1) Gainesville Fine Arts Association (GFAA)
1314 S. Main St.
GFAA Gallery and the Friends of Elementary Arts present the Student & Mentor Exhibition. Elementary student work is on display alongside the work of a paired Mentor Artist. From January 29 through February 22. Smaller artwork & crafts are in our Gift Shop.
Artist and Paton Memberships available! Visit gainesvillefinearts.org
IMAGE DETAIL: Artwork by Student Anya Smith

2) Bingo Deli & Pub
619 S. Main St. Unit 14
(across from Heartwood sound stage)
Larissa Kulyk is a local Gainesville artist. Her paintings are packed with vibrant colors and expressionist themes about her experiences and interpretations. This collection tells the story of her post pandemic unraveling and current journey to awakening.

3) Civic Media Center, 433 S. Main St.
Civic Media Center and Stetson Kennedy Library Inc. Founded on Oct. 1993. Is an alternative library and Nonprofit grassroots organizing, activism, and public awareness space. coordinators@civicmediacenter.org

4) The Hippodrome Theater Art Gallery. 25 Se. 2nd Pl.
Info (352)-372-4477 Proudly presents Business Enemies by local painter and graphic designer Jeff T. Owens (JTO). This is a series of paintings on canvas, in the desire to express the strength of simplicity and dimensional physicality of hand-made work. On display December 21 through February 5 at the Hipp Gallery.

5. Black C Art: 201 Se. 2nd PI. Immersive Art Portal
ters boundaries and rewrites the rules. Will it be an exhibi-
tion? Installation? Music? Performance? We promise. it will
alvavs be an experience. And sometimes. YOU may be the
Art See vou at Artwalk. htto://wwww. blackcoroduction

6. Sweetwater Print Cooperative
117 S. Main St.
30th Anniversary Show: Handmade felt works by artist Vasanto, a member from long ago who no longer lives in Gainesville but has never been forgotten by the Cooperative. Show opens 7-9 pm on Friday, January 31 and runs through Tuesday, February 25.After the opening, show may be seen by calling 352 514-3838.

7. City Church City Gainesville
14 S. Main Street, 32601
This is part of the 2024 UF in Lille Art and Engineering Program. Artworks created by some 50 UF Engineering students that were studying in Lille, France in the summer of
2024. 7pm-9pm All are welcome to this event.

8) Top Secret Space
10 N. Main St
Heavy Hours is the latest group show put on by Oldhead, in the Top Secret Gallery! Many different mediums by many different artists. Join us from 7-10 on 1/31 and 2/1.

9) SL8 Gallery
10 E. University Ave
Arts in a comfortable and friendly, multimedia space. FILM as an artform, Sunday evening showings 7-10 pm with discussion. FOOD with an ever-changing menu of vegan faire, beer, wine, coffee, tea.

10. Artisans' Guild Gallery 224 NW 2nd Avenue
Featuring Linda Blondheim, a dedicated landscape painter whose mission is to visually Document the rural, agricultural lands and trees of her beloved Florida.
(www.artisansguildgallery.com) Phone: 352-378-1383

11) Limelight, Salon, Gallery & Stage
4908 NW 34th Blvd, Suite 11
Featured artist: Ellie Nemmers and the Juniorates!
Musician: Mike Bibbee. Poetry Open Mic: 7:30pm
limelightsalongallery.com (866)309-7250